Cokavian dialects of Vis
In 2017 the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia has protected the „Cokavian „ dialect of Vis as intangible cultural good.
According to the UNESCO Convention of the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Paris 2003) language is the most important part of intangible heritage because it transmits and safeguards the collcetive memory of a community. Dialect of the island of Vis is today its most endangered heritage which needs to be researched and preserved for future generations. This dialect is unique for its Slavic archaics, as the oldest Slavic dialect in the eastern Adriatic, and it is also unique for preserving to this day the lexicon from the „lingua franca“ idiom, characteristic for maritime and fishing world on all Mediterranean shores.
U śpȍmen nȍni Juvãni
Śvãku jȕtro
cîn bi źorâ źarudȉla
cîn bi źvȍna źaźvonȉla
ol śnâ bi śe vãrgla
pôk bi źavōpȉla
Ôva Marȉja
śvãki dôn źa pūlnê
kal bi śûnca grûźd śaźrîl
a iź kanpanȅla śe źvûn jōvîl
ol śtolâ bi śe dvȉgla
pôk bi źlãmen
krīźâ ucinȉla
Ôva Marȉja
ondâ jȍpet u śutûn
źajȅcol bi źvûn
a nâ bi pośôl dofinȉla
pôk bi śȅla u kantûn
krȕnicu molȉla
glōvûn obandovãla
kriźȉć buśivãla
i źãrno po źãrno
prȉko pãrśta voltovãla
Ôva Marȉja
i ȍto tãko je nȍna
iś Gūśpûn cavarjãla
trî pūtâ nã don
na plãc źvȍna
molȉtve olpivãla
i da śe nî śvȁ
u molȉtvu pritumbãla
do glũhe źemjê
da nî prĩgla śȉju
śigûr śon
jȍś bi vãvik
Ôvu Marȉju
Vinko Kalinić
Iz zbirke
"Oltôr naśri môra"
Pjesmu je uglazbio: Đino Mladineo